Gilles Subra 12th Australian Peptide Conference 2017

Gilles Subra

Gilles Subra, 45 is a Professor at the University of Montpellier, France. He leads his researchers at the Institute of Biomolécules Max Mousseron (IBMM) in the field of peptide science. His main research topics are in the areas of chemistry and biology and involve methodologies for solid phase and combinatorial chemistry, design of chemical tools to enhance detection and quantification by mass spectrometry in biological media. More recently, his interest is in the design of peptide-based materials and polymers. The main applications concern the conception of multi-ligand nanoparticles for cancer targeting, the functionalisation of silicone medical devices and dressings. His most recent research is related to the design of biomimetic peptide based hydrogel used for 3D biofabrication and cell-based therapies. Gilles Subra founded the solid phase and automated synthesis platform of the IBMM whose mission is to develop solid supported reagents, linkers and methodologies for the synthesis of biomolecules.

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